Displaying Images in Oracle Apex
Displaying Images in Oracle Apex Steps : 1. Create PL/SQL dynamic Content Region and write the code declare cursor c1 is select FILE_SHORT_INFO,emp_code from prtl_files where emp_code = :P8_empcd; t varchar2(200); begin for i in c1 loop htp.p('<body>');htp.p('<p> </p>'); htp.p('<table width="100%">'); htp.p('<tr>'); for rec in (select * from PRTL_FILES where emp_code = :P8_EMPCD and status='A') loop IF rec.ATT_MIMETYPE is not null or rec.ATT_MIMETYPE != '' THEN htp.p('<td colspan="2">'); htp.p( '<img src="my_image_display? fid='||NVL(rec.FILE_ID,0)||'" height="'||100||'"/>' ); ...